The Rhythmic Remedy: Why Movement and Dance are Stress Relievers

From twirling to busting a move, there’s a lot more to dancing than just having fun.

In fact, the incorporation of movement and dance is scientifically supported as a fantastic stress reliever! Here’s why rhythmic physical activity, or “shaking it off” on the dance floor can be your ticket to a stress-free zone.

The Brain’s Happy Dance:

When you dance, your brain does a happy dance too! Engaging in physical activities like dancing releases endorphins, the chemicals in your brain responsible for making you feel good and contributing to a state of enhanced well-being. According to a study published in the *American Journal of Dance Therapy*, dancing can significantly reduce cortisol levels, the notorious stress hormone. So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, why not swap your worries for some salsa steps? Or, keep it simple and put on your favourite tune and dance like no one is watching.

Mindful Movement:

Ever heard of mindful dancing? It’s like meditation in motion. When you move your body or dance, you’re encouraged to be fully present in the moment. By directing attention to movement patterns and somatic sensations, practitioners cultivate a heightened state of present-moment awareness.  This focus on movement and breath can help calm your mind and  reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Emotional Expression:

Dance is an incredible form of self-expression. Whether you’re popping and locking or gracefully gliding across the floor, dancing allows you to release pent-up emotions and express yourself freely. This emotional release can be incredibly cathartic, helping to alleviate stress and tension. Plus, it’s a lot more fun than bottling up your feelings!

Social Connection:

Let’s not forget about the social aspect of dancing. Whether you’re tearing up the dance floor with friends or joining a dance class, dancing is a fantastic way to connect with others. Social support and interconnectedness is essential for combating stress, and what better way to bond than over a shared love of movement?

Physical Benefits:

Last but not least, let’s talk about the physical benefits of dancing. Not only does it get your heart pumping and your blood flowing, but it also helps to release muscle tension built up from stress. Plus, regular dancing can improve flexibility, balance, and overall physical fitness, leaving you feeling strong, energized, and ready to take on the world.


So, there you have it, folks – the rhythmic remedy for stress relief!

Next time life throws a curveball your way, just remember to dance it out. Whether through brain chemistry regulation, mindfulness integration, emotive expression, socio-interactive dynamics, or physiological fitness improvement, dance epitomizes a holistic approach to stress management.


If you feel like you need support, you can apply for subsidized therapy with Pineapple Support here.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash