What Advice Would I Give To My Younger Self?
Those of us who have been in the adult industry for a while, know just how tough it can be.
For most of us, we are a “one man show”, manager, pr, social media, accountant, and more, all rolled into one.
Taking on so many responsibilities, combined with the unique stressors being an adult performer can be extremely taxing on our mental health and well-being.
There is so much to learn and understand when starting out in the adult industry. How AMAZING would it have been to have someone to help you along the way and share advice, tips and tricks?!
Pineapple Support has collaborated with prpfessionals from across the industry, and asked them to share their knowledge, wisdom and advice to those beginning their journey.
What Advice Would I Give To My Younger Self?
“What Advice Would I Give To My Younger Self?”
“What advice would I give to myself before entering to adult industry?”
“What would I have done differently?”
“What do I do for self-care?”
“Do I have any tips & tricks to share?”
“What is my favourite part of working in the adult industry?”
The videos should be between 1-5 minutes in length and have positive undertones while touching on serious subjects.
When submitting a video, please include your performer name, social media handles and signed release and waiver form.
Videos are to be 1-5 mins in length, shot in landscape and sent in MP4 format.
Please include your twitter handle in video title and *platform you wish to be associated with (*optional).

Submit your video, include your Twitter handle in the video title so that we can be sure to credit you in any posts.
Include your signed release form found here
With love from;