
Intimaly Joins Pineapple Support As Supporter-Level Sponsor

Pineapple Support, the adult industry’s leading mental health nonprofit, is pleased to welcome Intimaly as a sponsor at the supporter level on their 7th Birthday. The adult retailer joins over sixty adult businesses and organizations in committing funds and resources to the organization.


“We chose to partner with Pineapple Support because, working closely with many creators on their custom sex toys, we have come to deeply understand their unique challenges and the importance of mental health support,” says Nikolas Carter, Intimaly’s CEO & Head of Partnerships. “By supporting Pineapple Support, we aim to contribute to a safer and more supportive environment for everyone in our community. Their work aligns perfectly with our mission to uplift and empower creators.”


Pineapple Support was founded by performer Leya Tanit in 2018, after a string of losses in the adult industry from depression and other mental illnesses. The organization, a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization in the United States, has connected over 14,000 adult performers to mental health services, including free and low-cost therapy, counseling, and emotional support.


“We are thrilled to have Intimaly join us as a sponsor,” says Tanit. “Their commitment allows us to extend our reach and continue providing crucial mental health services to those in the adult industry, ensuring performers can access the support they need.”


To learn more about becoming a sponsor of Pineapple Support, please visit our Sponsorship page. Details about additional ways to support, as a company or individual, can be found on the organization’s website.

The Rhythmic Remedy: Why Movement and Dance are Stress Relievers

From twirling to busting a move, there’s a lot more to dancing than just having fun.

In fact, the incorporation of movement and dance is scientifically supported as a fantastic stress reliever! Here’s why rhythmic physical activity, or “shaking it off” on the dance floor can be your ticket to a stress-free zone.

The Brain’s Happy Dance:

When you dance, your brain does a happy dance too! Engaging in physical activities like dancing releases endorphins, the chemicals in your brain responsible for making you feel good and contributing to a state of enhanced well-being. According to a study published in the *American Journal of Dance Therapy*, dancing can significantly reduce cortisol levels, the notorious stress hormone. So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, why not swap your worries for some salsa steps? Or, keep it simple and put on your favourite tune and dance like no one is watching.

Mindful Movement:

Ever heard of mindful dancing? It’s like meditation in motion. When you move your body or dance, you’re encouraged to be fully present in the moment. By directing attention to movement patterns and somatic sensations, practitioners cultivate a heightened state of present-moment awareness.  This focus on movement and breath can help calm your mind and  reduce stress and anxiety levels.

Emotional Expression:

Dance is an incredible form of self-expression. Whether you’re popping and locking or gracefully gliding across the floor, dancing allows you to release pent-up emotions and express yourself freely. This emotional release can be incredibly cathartic, helping to alleviate stress and tension. Plus, it’s a lot more fun than bottling up your feelings!

Social Connection:

Let’s not forget about the social aspect of dancing. Whether you’re tearing up the dance floor with friends or joining a dance class, dancing is a fantastic way to connect with others. Social support and interconnectedness is essential for combating stress, and what better way to bond than over a shared love of movement?

Physical Benefits:

Last but not least, let’s talk about the physical benefits of dancing. Not only does it get your heart pumping and your blood flowing, but it also helps to release muscle tension built up from stress. Plus, regular dancing can improve flexibility, balance, and overall physical fitness, leaving you feeling strong, energized, and ready to take on the world.


So, there you have it, folks – the rhythmic remedy for stress relief!

Next time life throws a curveball your way, just remember to dance it out. Whether through brain chemistry regulation, mindfulness integration, emotive expression, socio-interactive dynamics, or physiological fitness improvement, dance epitomizes a holistic approach to stress management.


If you feel like you need support, you can apply for subsidized therapy with Pineapple Support here.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Dealing with Stress and Anxiety: What to Look for and How to Cope

Dealing with stress and anxiety is something that we all go through. Here’s a quick guide to help you understand the signs, and learn some useful coping strategies.

Identifying the Signs:

In our unique industry, stress and anxiety can manifest in various ways. Just like any other artists, content creators have emotional, behavioral, and physical signs that shouldn’t be ignored. Let’s take a closer look at the signals that might resonate with those in the adult content creation realm.

Emotional Signs:

– Feeling irritable
– Overwhelmed
– Anxious, nervous, or worried
– Racing thoughts and difficulty switching off
– Disinterest in usually pleasurable activities
– Feeling lonely and isolated

Behavioral Signs:

– Difficulty in decision-making
– Avoidance behavior
– Nail-biting or skin picking
– Changes in appetite
– Self-medicating with substances
– Restlessness, difficulty concentrating
– Frequent tearfulness

Physical Signs:

– Unusual breathing or hyperventilating
– Panic or anxiety attacks
– Blurred vision, sore eyes
– Changes in libido
– Fatigue or lethargy
– Teeth grinding or jaw clenching
– Headaches or migraines
– Feeling sick, dizzy, or lightheaded


Coping Strategies for everyday life:

Now that we’ve identified the signs of stress and anxiety, let’s talk about some tailored coping strategies for adult content creators. These are your reliable allies, always ready to support you whenever life gets challenging.

1. Self-Care:

Start with self-care basics. A nutritious diet, ample sleep, and minimizing substances like smoking and alcohol can be transformative. Incorporate exercise into your routine – it’s not just beneficial for your physical health but also a great stress-reliever. Even a simple walk can clear the mind and boost those feel-good endorphins.

2. Unapologetic Self-Care:

Yes, so important we’ve listed it twice! Take unapologetic breaks for yourself. Whether it’s a long soak in the bath or a cozy duvet day with your favorite shows, prioritize self-indulgence when stress knocks at your door. Even the simplest things can feel therapeutic.

3. Connect with Your Community:

Your support network within the industry is priceless. Whether it’s fellow creators, industry friends, or mentors, don’t hesitate to share your concerns. Connecting with those who understand the unique challenges of the industry can be immensely comforting. Talking about your experiences can make you feel lighter.

4. Creative Expression Release:

Sometimes, you just need a good release. Express your stress through your work or channel it into physical activities like dancing, yoga, or even a fitness class. Use your creativity as a tool for mental liberation.

5. Mindful Breaks:

Pause and breathe. Incorporate mindfulness into your routine to focus on your internal experience rather than external distractions. Being non-judgmental about your feelings can help make sense of challenges.

6. Understanding What’s in Your Control:

Acknowledge what you can and cannot control in your creative journey. Understand your power and the realistic impact you can have on your circumstances. Organize your projects, make lists, and break down hurdles into manageable tasks.

You are one of a kind and your experiences with stress and anxiety are just as unique

In the world of adult content creation, stress and anxiety can be part of the creative process. Use this checklist to regularly assess your mental well-being. Regular self-assessment is the key to maintaining a healthy mental balance. Here’s to identifying, acknowledging, and conquering stress with creativity and resilience!

If you feel like you need support, you can apply for subsidized therapy with Pineapple Support here.


Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash

Pineapple Support Launches ADHD Support Group – Sponsored By Clips4Sale

Pineapple Support will host a weekly online support group for performers with attention deficit disorder, sponsored by Clips4Sale.

The group, “How ADHD Can Be Your Super Power,” will meet over six weeks and will be led by Pineapple Support therapist Moushumi Ghose. The first session will be held on Tuesday, April 18 at 4 p.m. EDT.

“Learning the basics about ADHD, its symptoms, related diagnoses and treatment options can be a game-changer both for those with ADHD, as well as those that want to support others with the disorder better,” said Pineapple therapist Michele Green.

Founded in 2018 by Leya Tanit, Pineapple Support has connected over 10,000 adult performers and industry members with mental health services, including free and low-cost therapy, counseling and emotional support.

“A better understanding of ADHD, and the way its traits are perceived, can be hugely beneficial,” said Tanit. “When we change the way we think about ADHD, we can support ourselves and others in a way that’s free from shame and judgment. Knowing how to advocate for yourself and ask for the support you need can pave the path towards living a more meaningful life with ADHD.”

The group will meet every Tuesday at the same time, with the final session on May 23.

For more information and to reserve a space, click here.

Visit Pineapple Support online and follow the organization on Twitter.

Pineapple Support To Address Domestic Abuse With New PornHub-Sponsored Support Group

Pineapple Support will host a weekly online support group for performers who have survived domestic abuse, sponsored by Pornhub.

The group, “Survivors Of Domestic Abuse,” will take place over six weeks and will be led by Pineapple Support therapist Alicia Graham The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 21 at 4 p.m. EST.

“We understand that anyone who has experienced an abusive relationship needs a safe and compassionate environment to begin the process of healing,” said Graham. “Our highest priority is ensuring the group environment is safe, non-judgmental, and understanding for all participants.”

Founded in 2018 by Leya Tanit, Pineapple Support has connected over 8,000 adult performers and industry members to mental health services, including free and low-cost therapy, counseling and emotional support.

“If you feel diminished in any of your intimate or family relationships, think you might have been in an abusive situation, or have experienced violence,” said Tanit. “We are offering a support group dedicated to people who have experienced intimate partner abuse, violence, or trauma. Join us for positive, affirming, and confidential support.”

The group will meet every Tuesday at the same time, with the final session on Apr. 25.

For more information and to reserve a space, click here.

Visit Pineapple Support online and follow the organization on Twitter.

When is Collaboration Better Than Competing?

The answer is most likely, always!

Unless you are directly competing your skills against another for the purposes of sport or suchlike, we always make more progress when we work together. Sharing skills and knowledge in our everyday lives is so important to our evolution.

Throughout the ages, major breakthroughs have come about because an individual sought help with a problem. The saying ‘2 minds are better than one’, has never been truer in this case.

Collaborating not only allows you to share and pass on your knowledge to another but also prompts thoughts and processes that may not have crossed your mind previously. When we keep those little nuggets of info to ourselves, it produces selfish thoughts and negative feelings towards those around us. Sharing information can actually provide us with really positive energy. It makes us feel good and empowers the mind so that we feel useful to others.

Empowerment allows success

People mistake the meaning of empowerment, thinking that it always means something negative, where one person has power over another. It is in fact a lot more personal than that. It is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, so that we can take control of our lives. It enables an individual to represent their own interests in a responsible and self-determined way, whilst being able to act on their own authority.

It is possible for one person to become overwhelmed with the feeling of power and allow it to manifest into something which is selfish and ugly. The trick is to follow the fundamentals.

  • Respect the decisions others make about their lives
  • Try to always make other people feel comfortable enough to discuss their own feelings
  • Always be respectful and non-judgemental
  • Focus on abilities and strengths rather than admonishing weaknesses
  • Provide support and encouragement

Skill sharing

Offering to share your knowledge with others will always show you in the best light possible. It provides a feeling of openness and helps you to engage with others. Positivity is catching and spreads warmth and happiness to all those involved.

One of the best things about the internet is the ability to pass on skills and understanding to many, many people, most of whom you will never know personally. Although we tend to work better when we receive individual praise, positive acknowledgements from complete strangers are an incredible boost to our self-esteem.

Every day is a new one where we can all acquire a new talent or learn a new skill. It motivates the mind and conquers boredom and inactivity. Sharing that interest with others is one of the best ways to build friendships and bond.

How to collaborate

Collaboration could be as simple as picking up the phone and asking someone how their day has been, or you might text them, just to say hello. Nowadays, most of these partnerships are based in the virtual world. There are video, network, community, internal and external collaborations, all of which lead to a sharing of knowledge and the ability to achieve a goal.

This kind of work style was first officially recognised in the 1950’s. It allowed projects to be managed by more than one individual, rather than the previous method using one project manager and a Gantt chart. Companies quickly realised that allowing employees to work in this manner produced an efficient workforce which promoted growth and innovation for the company.

As individuals, this relatively simple way of sharing thoughts, skills and processes with others brings about a positive attitude and renews the hunger for learning.

Enjoying sharing

There’s nothing better in life than sitting down and sharing a glass of wine, or a cup of coffee or even a good movie with your bestie. It’s what seems to make us whole as a species. It gives a warm glow inside, and it provides a form of stability that you cannot get from anywhere else. That shared experience will be remembered for a very long time and gives treasured moments to draw upon whenever we need a little fix of feeling warm.

Passing on knowledge can result in those same warm feelings. Knowing that we have helped someone, passed on vital information and allowed them to grow as a person even more, is an amazing feeling.

Knowledge really does mean power when you use it in the best way possible.

Always remember ‘Sharing is Caring’ and ‘Caring is Sharing’.

Leya Tanit Named 2022 XBIZ Honors ‘Community Figure of the Year’

Pineapple Support founder and CEO Leya Tanit was named “Community Figure of the Year” by the 2022 XBIZ Honors, online industry edition.

“I want to thank XBIZ from the bottom of my heart for this recognition,” Tanit said. “This award only increases my determination to meet the increased demand we’re seeing. We’re pulling out all the stops in 2022, with extra support groups, workshops and online events scheduled to be announced over the coming months. This award is for everyone on the Pineapple team, for all the hard work they’ve been putting in.”

Pineapple Support, founded by Tanit in 2018, has so far connected over 5,000 adult performers and industry members to mental health services, including free and low-cost therapy, counseling and emotional support.

Winners of the 2022 XBIZ Honors, online industry edition, were presented Wednesday, Jan. 5 during the XBIZ 2022 conference. Click here for a full list of recipients.

Pineapple Support Appoints Leah Mahi, Mark Hassell as Community Liaisons

Pineapple Support has appointed Leah Mahi and Mark Hassell as community liaison officers to act as “approachable and trusted sources of information for performers that want to know more about working with the organization,” noted a rep.

Mahi serves as XBIZ’s director of marketing and advertising for the digital media market, while Hassell counts “over 17 years of experience working with leading companies in the adult industry,” the rep said, and will help provide access to Pineapple Support and “its network of trained and licensed counselors and therapists, though won’t provide advice or support directly.”

Founder and CEO Leya Tanit explained that “stigma around accessing emotional support, or even just not knowing what to expect, can act as barriers to performers getting access to the services they need.”

“Mark and Leah are both highly respected and trusted members of the adult industry, so anyone that might feel more comfortable approaching a familiar face for stigma-free information about accessing our support can do so, safely and easily,” Tanit said. “I’m thankful to them both for helping to provide performers with a safe bridge to support, and in doing so, championing access to mental health services in our community.”

The group, founded in 2018 by Leya Tanit after a string of losses in the adult industry from depression and other mental illnesses, has so far connected over 5,000 adult performers and industry members to mental health services, including free and low-cost therapy, counseling and emotional support.

Performers and members of the adult entertainment industry are encouraged to approach Mahi or Hassell directly for information about Pineapple Support and its services.

What It Means To Become A Listener

Pineapple Support provides free emotional support 24/7 to people within the adult entertainment industry. We want to support others so they never have to feel alone. Having someone there to listen can make all the difference in someone’s life. Active listening is a great way to support someone. It’s not solving problems, it’s helping someone feel heard, valued, and understood.

Pineapple Support have joined up with 7 Cups of Tea, one of the biggest and best emotional support platforms. When you join Pineapple Support, you not only get to feel good about doing something awesome.

– You become part of the community that genuinely cares and helps others. As a listener, you have access to peers, other listeners, and mentors.

– You develop excellent active listening skills, which will strengthen your relationships, improve your confidence, and equip you to deal with conflicts.

– You get free hands-on training that is designed to help you learn by doing. As 7 Cups says, training is directly relevant and immediately applicable to your life.

Here is how it works: 7 Cups provide free online training & support – all you need is an internet connection to get started.

• Free active listening course

• Online volunteering from home (or via app!)

• Control your own availability to listen

• Get certifications to boost your resume

• Get support & coaching from friendly mentors

• Feel amazing that you are making a difference in other peoples lives!


To become a listener follow this link and click on the orange tab at the top of the page “Volunteer as a Listener”


Dr Jena Field