Entries by Adelaide Harris

Dealing with Stress and Anxiety: What to Look for and How to Cope

Dealing with stress and anxiety is something that we all go through. Here’s a quick guide to help you understand the signs, and learn some useful coping strategies. Identifying the Signs: In our unique industry, stress and anxiety can manifest in various ways. Just like any other artists, content creators have emotional, behavioral, and physical […]

Why Talking About Yourself is as Good as Sex

Ever wondered why we enjoy talking about ourselves so much? Turns out, it’s wired into our brains! The statement “talking about yourself is as good as sex” may be perceived as an exaggeration or a metaphorical expression rather than a literal comparison, but studies from Harvard University show that talking about ourselves activates the same […]

March 20th – International Day of Happiness!

Boundaries, Balance & Self Care as a Sex Worker Boundaries, balance, and self-care are interconnected pillars that support mental, emotional, and physical well-being, ultimately contributing to a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment in life. Establishing and maintaining boundaries can prevent burnout, reduce stress, and enhance self-esteem, leading to better mental health; achieving balance in […]

Mastering the Basics: A Guide to Effective Communication Skills

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on mastering basic communication skills! Whether you’re a seasoned conversationalist or someone looking to sharpen your communication skills, effective communication is the key to success in both personal and professional realms. In the age of information, there’s a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips, so we’ve brought you a curated […]

How to Have the Best Relationship with Yourself

It’s never too late to build a solid relationship with the most important person in your life – YOU. Whether you’re a content creator or just someone seeking self-discovery, understanding and nurturing your connection with yourself is the ultimate game-changer.   Unlocking the Power of Self-Connection: Amongst all the competing demands of life, our relationship […]

3 things you should do before telling your partner it’s over

Zelena van der Leeden, MC, CDC® and Jake W. Purdy, PMP, CDC® are the Co-founders of Divorce Management, the first multi-lingual divorce coaching firm in North America. Divorce Management operates on a “pay what you can” model offering certified Divorce Coaching and Divorce Transition and Recovery Coaching. Further details can be found on their website. […]

Love and Mental Well-Being: Tips for Improving Your Relationships

In life, relationships and feeling good go hand in hand, influencing each other in meaningful ways. As social beings, we naturally crave connection, sparking the question: do good feelings cultivate strong relationships, or do healthy relationships ensure well-being? The answer is a little bit of both.   Relationships and Mental Health A study from Harvard […]

A Millennial Divorce Story: it’s ok to put yourself first!

Zelena van der Leeden, MC, CDC® and Jake W. Purdy, PMP, CDC® are the Co-founders of Divorce Management, the first multi-lingual divorce coaching firm in North America. Divorce Management operates on a “pay what you can” model offering certified Divorce Coaching and Divorce Transition and Recovery Coaching. Further details can be found on their website. […]

A Guide to Deepening Intimacy in Your Relationship

If you’re a content creator in the adult industry, you know that authenticity and connection are key to making content that truly resonates. So, let’s explore 10 tips to enhance your personal life and infuse that magic into your intimate relationships. Understanding Intimacy Let’s take a moment to define what we mean by ‘intimacy.’ It’s […]

Dating after divorce: are you ready for it?

Zelena van der Leeden, MC, CDC® and Jake W. Purdy, PMP, CDC® are the Co-founders of Divorce Management, the first multi-lingual divorce coaching firm in North America. Divorce Management operates on a “pay what you can” model offering certified Divorce Coaching and Divorce Transition and Recovery Coaching. Further details can be found on their website. […]