Why Talking About Yourself is as Good as Sex

Ever wondered why we enjoy talking about ourselves so much?

Turns out, it’s wired into our brains! The statement “talking about yourself is as good as sex” may be perceived as an exaggeration or a metaphorical expression rather than a literal comparison, but studies from Harvard University show that talking about ourselves activates the same pleasure centers in our brains as eating delicious food or having sex. Yep, sharing our stories literally gives us a natural high!

But there’s more to it than just feeling good. Psychologists say that sharing our personal experiences helps us understand our own lives better and strengthens our connections with others. According to Dr. James W. Pennebaker, an expert in expressive writing, putting our feelings into words can boost self-awareness, lower stress, and improve relationships.

So, what happens when we clam up and keep our stories to ourselves?

Well, it’s not great for our mental health. Research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that holding back our emotions can lead to more stress and lower well-being. In other words, bottling up our feelings isn’t doing us any favors.

But when we open up and share our stories with others, something magical happens:

1. **Validation and Connection:** When you share personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings with others, it can lead to a sense of validation and connection. Being heard and understood by someone else can be deeply fulfilling, fostering a sense of intimacy and camaraderie.

2. **Self-Expression:** Talking about yourself allows you to express your identity, values, and beliefs. It provides an opportunity for self-reflection and self-discovery, enabling you to better understand who you are and what matters to you.

3. **Empowerment:** Sharing your experiences and perspectives can be empowering, as it allows you to assert your voice and assert your agency in shaping conversations and relationships. It can build confidence and self-esteem, enhancing your sense of autonomy and control.

4. **Catharsis:** Discussing personal matters can serve as a form of emotional release and catharsis. Opening up about challenges, triumphs, and emotions can help you process and cope with difficult experiences, leading to a sense of relief and emotional well-being.

5. **Social Bonding:** Conversations about oneself often occur within the context of social interactions and relationships. Sharing personal stories and anecdotes can strengthen bonds with others, fostering a sense of belonging and support within social networks.


Studies have shown that having meaningful conversations about ourselves can make us happier and more satisfied. It’s like giving ourselves a little emotional boost every time we share a piece of our lives with someone else.

Sharing stories isn’t just about talking; it’s also about listening.

When we really tune in and show interest in other people’s experiences, we build trust and understanding. It’s like a beautiful dance of conversation that brings us closer together and makes our relationships stronger.

While the comparison between talking about oneself and sex might not be exactly like sex, it underscores the importance of meaningful communication and self-expression in human relationships and personal well-being. Both activities involve a deep sense of connection, intimacy, and satisfaction, albeit in different ways. Ultimately, engaging in authentic and meaningful conversations can contribute to a richer and more fulfilling life.

So, the next time you’re itching to share a story or two, go for it! Whether it’s over a beverage with a friend or a cozy chat by the fire, remember that sharing our stories is a special part of being human. Here’s to the joy of storytelling and the connections it brings into our lives. Cheers to you, dear readers, and may your stories always be heard and cherished!


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Mastering the Basics: A Guide to Effective Communication Skills

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on mastering basic communication skills!

Whether you’re a seasoned conversationalist or someone looking to sharpen your communication skills, effective communication is the key to success in both personal and professional realms. In the age of information, there’s a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips, so we’ve brought you a curated compilation that covers the essentials. Use these steps to give your communication skills a health check, and enhance your ability to connect, express, and understand one another.

Let’s dive in.


1. Start with listening!

Communication is a two-way street, and listening is just as crucial as speaking. According to experts, effective communication starts with truly hearing what the other person is saying. Practice active listening by giving your full attention to the speaker, maintaining eye contact, and nodding to show your engagement. Resist the urge to interrupt and focus on understanding the message being conveyed. Use paraphrasing help show your engagement and understanding, creating a foundation for meaningful conversations.

2. Mind your body language:

Did you know that a significant portion of communication is non-verbal? Numerous studies emphasize the impact of non-verbal signals on our interactions. Paying attention to your body language and that of others is crucial. Positive gestures, open posture, and appropriate facial expressions all contribute to a more compelling and authentic communication style, fostering a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.

3. Choose your words wisely:

The power of words cannot be overstated. Words have the power to build bridges or create barriers. Be mindful of your vocabulary, and aim for clarity and simplicity. Avoid jargon, where possible, and opt for clear and concise language instead. AWhether in a professional setting or a personal conversation, keeping it straightforward is key. Remember, effective communication is about being understood, not showcasing an extensive vocabulary.

4. Practice empathy:

Empathy is the secret sauce of effective communication. Understanding and acknowledging others’ emotions and perspectives creates a connection. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to understand their perspective. This not only improves your ability to connect with others but also creates more positive and collaborative interactions.

5. Be conscious of your tone:

Your tone of voice can convey as much meaning as the words you choose.  Being mindful of your tone, ensures that it aligns with the message you want to convey A friendly and approachable tone can make even the toughest conversations more manageable, and turn them into opportunities for growth.

6. Embrace feedback:

Feedback is a valuable tool for self-improvement. Encourage those around you to provide constructive feedback on your communication style. Seeking feedback from friends or colleagues allows you to identify areas for improvement. Use this input as a guide to hone your communication skills and catapult your abilities to new heights.

7. Learn from others:

Observe effective communicators in your personal and professional circles. Take note of their techniques, such as how they handle challenging situations, maintain composure, and convey ideas. Learning from those who excel in communication can provide valuable insights and inspiration.


Remember, communication is an evolving skill, and continuous improvement is the key.

By actively incorporating these tips into your daily interactions, you’ll find yourself connecting more deeply, resolving conflicts more smoothly, and building stronger relationships. Happy communicating!


View our webinars and workshops on communication skills by visiting our YouTube page. You can also view our upcoming support groups, webinars and workshops on the website.


Photo by Christina on Unsplash