Too Strong To Be Weak

I like to consider myself a strong woman, I know myself, I love myself and I never pretend to be a person that I am not.

So why did I allow myself to be emotionally bullied to a point where I turned my back on a career that makes me happy?

Admittedly when I met this man I was in a delicate state, lonely and bored. Bored is always a dangerous one! He seemed so lovely, exciting, caring and the rock I so needed to lean against. He was aware from day one of what I did as a career and was supportive and apparently intrigued by it. Then everything changed, he fell in love, apparently, I don’t think a narcissist can know what love truly is. That is what he was, a narcissist, in the purest form. The only way he took pleasure was in putting me down, draining any ounce of positive energy I had. He would talk about my job and my friends as if they were tarnished, he would shout and scream at me if I so much as mentioned anything to do with the fetish industry, fuck, I couldn’t even put my hair in victory rolls without a bitter remark. In the end it just became easier not to talk or do anything that was remotely related, this included going to events and seeing my friends.

Of course once this was removed from the relationship he soon found other reasons to shout at me and put me down, and I put up with it. Why? For two years. Why?

Eventually I sorted myself out and kicked him out of my house, but it still confuses the shit out of me. How could I allow someone to make me feel this way? I know I will not do it again. Life is too short and too precious.

Full Yogic Breathing Exercise

Full Yogic Breath or 3 part Breath

Almost everybody not uses full lung capacity, which can lead to disorders.

Breathing is life.
Breathing is healing.

Why Do This Exercise?:

By learning to breath properly you IMPROVE BREATH CAPACITY.
It can PREVENT disease or even REVERSE harmful conditions that can lead up to disease.
Each practice promotes VITALITY AND RELAXATION in only 1 single exercise.

Invest 5 up to 10 minutes of your time or even less to notice the benefits!


Do NOT use strain
Make the Breath smooth and effortless
Go slow and easy

Most important benefits of full yogic Breath are:


Other benefits are:

– release of muscular tension around the heart and digestive organs
helps to overcome the fear of shortage of Breath
Increases cardio vascular system
Improves detoxification
Amplifies auto immune system by increasing energy flow to the endocrine system.


Visit Katja’s website


A Blog of Thanks

When I began this project, I had no idea how many wonderful, kind people there still were in this world. It is easy to get blinded by all the negativity in the media and forget that the majority of people are inherently good.

Launching Pineapple Support, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for and so far the journey has been incredible, learning so much about the nature of people and even myself.

So for the 1st blog post on I would like to give thanks to some of those who have gone beyond the call of duty and helped make this dream a reality.

Pat and the team at 7cups, you made the impossible possible. Thank you for believing in Pineapple Support and all that we strive to accomplish

Glen at CSDesign agency, thank you for dropping everything and coming to my rescue…. a lot. You really have gone above and beyond.

Bernadette Giacomazzo, publicist extraordinaire, you donated the most valuable commodity, your time. Thank you.

Ian at Woven Inc, after 16 years of friendship, thank you for not only putting up with my indecisive ramblings, but also producing the highest quality merchandise.

Nic at Highground Design, the brave man who agreed to design the website. Little did you know just how many expletives a woman could use in one sentence, thank you for not telling me to f*** off yet.

Jena Field, my friend, my copy write and the very first therapist to get on board with Pineapple Support. You have helped me more than you could ever know. Thank you.

Michele Karban, Pineapple Support therapist, one of my closest friends and closest neighbours. I am very aware of how irritating I have been, thank you for helping me arrange the hectic mess that was my mind…. and for still speaking to me.

Christina Carter, Kimmie Kaboom and Nyssa Nevers, my sisters from other Misters, thank you for your love, your support and for always being at the other end of the telephone whenever I have needed you. I love you.