
Love and Mental Well-Being: Tips for Improving Your Relationships

In life, relationships and feeling good go hand in hand, influencing each other in meaningful ways. As social beings, we naturally crave connection, sparking the question: do good feelings cultivate strong relationships, or do healthy relationships ensure well-being? The answer is a little bit of both.


Relationships and Mental Health

A study from Harvard University found that having people who care about us can make our physical, emotional, and mental health more stable. So, being happy and healthy is linked to the relationships we have. Taking care of these connections is as crucial as looking after our physical health.

In a supportive environment, we feel less alone, less anxious, and less scared. Having friends and family we can count on helps us ask for help before things get too hard, making us stronger when facing challenges.

But having lots of relationships isn’t the key – it’s about having good ones. It’s normal to have some problems with friends, family, or partners now and then, but they don’t have to be perfect. What matters most is knowing we can rely on our loved ones when times get tough.

Relationship Changes

In romantic relationships, a rough patch is common, but it’s the assurance that your partner will stand by you that matters most. If things turn bad or stay difficult for a long time, even being around people might not stop feelings of loneliness and sadness.

Breakups and relationship changes can be tough on our mental health. Feeling lonely and isolated can be significant problems. This also happens when we lose a job, retire, experience grief or go through periods without daily positive connections.

Experiencing conflict in the household doesn’t only stress the grown-ups; it can also detrimentally impact the well-being and development of children. In situations where one person uses fear to control another, it can make it hard for the adults and children involved to make and keep good relationships in the future.

Equally, when we’re not feeling good mentally, it can also affect our relationships. When dealing with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, it can be hard to be interested in our loved ones and invest time or energy into creating  connection. People experiencing poor mental health might feel embarrassed and blame themselves, making it tough to feel close to others and disrupting the balance of mutual support.


Ways that you can improve your relationships:

  • To start, think about the relationships you currently have, and the sorts of relationships you would like to have. For example, you might want to make new friends, or strengthen your existing relationships.
  • If you want to strengthen existing relationships, reach out to people you already know, such as co-workers, family, friends-of-friends or neighbours. Suggest that you would like to be in touch more often, and organise to have a coffee, go for a walk, or do another activity you both enjoy.
  • If you are experiencing a period where you are not having daily interactions with other people, and are feeling lonely as a result, you may need to be more intentional in fostering existing relationships or making new connections.
  • If you want to make new friends or social connections, joining a club or group is a great idea. Check out your local community centre to see if there are any groups you might be interested in. Another option is using an app or a forum that brings together people based on common interests.

Good relationships take time and energy. Ultimately, every one of us needs good, supportive relationships to maintain our mental health, and good mental health to sustain our relationships. Remember that building new connections and working on existing relationships often takes time, but it’s always worth it. Be patient and congratulate yourself for doing something that’s been proven to have a positive impact on your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Get support when you need it

If you are experiencing mental health issues, it might feel impossible to put time and energy into our relationships, even if it’s with a close friend or family member, and even when we know it’ll help us in the long run.
It’s okay to ask for help and it’s also okay to take a break from relationships to focus on feeling better mentally when needed. Balancing both is tricky, and getting help ensures you take care of everything.

If you need support, you can apply for subsidized therapy with Pineapple Support here.

Building a Support System in the Adult Industry

Emma is an International Life Coach, friend and ally to those working within the adult industries. You can contact her here –


In the world of adult entertainment, performers often face unique challenges and complexities that can make it difficult to find a strong support system. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance, dealing with stigma, and managing relationships can be particularly challenging. That’s why it’s crucial to explore the importance of having a network of supportive friends and allies who understand the challenges of this industry.

The Isolation Dilemma

The adult industry can be a solitary place. Many performers lead double lives, keeping their profession hidden from their friends and family due to the persistent stigma associated with the work. This isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and even depression. The need for a supportive network becomes all the more critical.

Understanding and Empathy

Having friends and allies who understand the unique challenges of the adult industry can provide a sense of relief and belonging. These individuals offer empathy, as they’ve likely faced similar issues. They understand the stigma, the struggles with work-life balance, and the difficulties of maintaining personal relationships. They can provide invaluable advice, share experiences, and be a source of genuine empathy and understanding.

Finding Supportive Friends

Building a support system starts with finding the right people who can be there for you. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Online Communities: Seek out online forums, social media groups, or private communities where individuals in the adult industry connect. At Imperfectly You we have a private and friendly community where sex workers can share experiences, gain advice and form valuable connections.
  2. Attend Industry Events: Many adult entertainment events, conferences, and trade shows offer opportunities to meet and connect with peers. These events can help you establish a sense of community and build lasting relationships with those who understand your world. We recently attended XBIZ Amsterdam and met so many wonderful people!
  3. Reach Out to Trusted Peers: Over time, you may come to know peers in the industry whom you trust. Opening up to them about your challenges can lead to deep, supportive friendships. Sharing your experiences can be liberating and strengthen your connection with others.
  4. Seek Professional Help: Sometimes, the support of friends may not be enough. Consider reaching out to therapists or counselors through Pineapple Support who specialize in working with people in the adult industry. They can offer a non-judgmental space for you to discuss your feelings and challenges.


Benefits of a Supportive Network

Reduced Stigma: When you have friends and allies who understand your work, it can help reduce the stigma you may face from others. Knowing that you have people who accept you for who you are can boost your self-esteem and self-worth.


Mental Health: A supportive network can be a lifeline for your mental health. It offers a safe space to express your feelings, seek advice, and gain emotional support during tough times. Within our network mental health is at the forefront of our ethos – how can we be great performers if we don’t feel great ourselves? You come first and work comes second.


Professional Growth: Your network can be a valuable resource for career growth. You can learn from others’ experiences and insights, helping you navigate the industry more successfully. Our daily group chat is filled with amazing tips and tricks to help you succeed in this industry.


Healthy Relationships: Friends who understand your profession are more likely to offer advice on managing personal relationships and maintaining a work-life balance. Their guidance can be priceless. Within our network we meet monthly over zoom forming real friendships between real people.


Mutual Support: Remember, your friends and allies need your support too. The give-and-take nature of these relationships can create a strong bond that benefits all involved.


In Conclusion

Building a support system in the adult industry is not just beneficial; it’s often essential for your well-being and professional success. The understanding and empathy offered by friends and allies who share your experiences can help you navigate the challenges unique to the industry, reduce the stigma you face, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life. Seek out these connections, both online and in-person, and remember that there are people who genuinely understand and care about you as a person, not just your profession.


Life Coach Emma x

Is your work/life balance out of whack?

Emma is an International Life Coach, friend and ally to those working within the adult industries. You can contact her here –


In a world that often blurs the lines between work and personal life, the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance is so important. This holds true across all professions, including sex work. The unique challenges and dynamics of this industry make achieving balance all the more vital. Let’s delve into why work-life balance is crucial for sex workers, and how it can be achieved.

1. Preserving Mental and Emotional Well-being:

Engaging in sex work can be emotionally demanding. The intimate nature of the interactions and the potential for encountering difficult or complex situations can take a toll on your mental health. Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life can help you prevent emotional burnout and fatigue. By allocating time and space to focus on personal well-being, you can recharge and process your emotions in a healthy way. Taking time for yourself matters!

2. Ensuring Physical Health:

Whether sex work involves physical interactions or not, the stressors of the profession can impact your physical health. Erratic schedules, long hours, sitting on a bed all day, contorted into strange positions and using toys regularly can have an effect on your body. Checking in with how you feel physically and noticing when it may be time to rest is crucial. A balanced routine that includes regular exercise/movement, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest is essential for maintaining your physical health.

3. Nurturing Relationships:

Building and nurturing personal relationships can be challenging when coping with the demands of sex work. A healthy work-life balance allows time to be spent with your friends, family, and partners too. It can be tempting to work those extra hours in the evening instead of seeing the ones you love but your close relationships can offer a support system and sense of belonging for you during challenging times.

4. Avoiding Isolation:

The nature of sex work often necessitates secrecy and perhaps working alone most days, which can lead to feelings of isolation. Isolation, in turn, can negatively impact your mental health. A balanced life encourages social interactions and connections outside of your professional space. Engaging in hobbies, social activities, and generally just doing the things you enjoy with others can counteract the isolating effects of leading a double life.

5. Enhancing Productivity and Focus:

When work and personal life become intertwined, it becomes challenging to dedicate focused time to either. Sometimes you may get the feeling of constantly ‘chasing your tail’, not able to wholeheartedly put yourself into work OR just relax. By setting clear boundaries and allocating specific times for work-related activities, you can enhance your productivity during work hours and fully engage in personal activities during your downtime without feeling guilty.

6. Sustaining Longevity:

Without proper work-life balance, the risk of burning out or experiencing emotional exhaustion increases significantly. By prioritising your well-being, you can create a more sustainable and fulfilling career in the long run.

7. Empowerment and Self-Worth:

Achieving work-life balance is an act of empowerment. It communicates to yourself that personal well-being and happiness hold inherent value. By practising self-care and setting boundaries, you can reinforce your self-worth and feel more in control.

In conclusion, work-life balance is a critical aspect for you! By prioritising self-care, setting boundaries, and nurturing personal relationships, you can navigate the unique challenges of your profession while maintaining your mental, emotional, and physical health.

How do you manage your work/life balance?


Life Coach Emma x