
Surrender – A Poem

To surrender
Is to dance
In the waves
Not knowing
When you might get knocked
But trusting
That you’ll always
Be swept back up.
That you will be swept
Onto warm soft sandy shores
When the time
Is right.
Written by Liza Belle

The Centre – A Poem

Locate the calm within the storm.
Beneath the tumult of the waves
Breath face mind, still
As you pause
Count to ten
Allow the storm to pass
Find a moment of peace
And stillness
To return to your centre
To come back to yourself.
Written by Liza Belle

Moving Through It -A Poem

We’re standing in a sea.
To swim.
Through the trials
Of the tidal swell
That washes
Along the passage
Of our lives.
And pulled
Sucked under
Flung above.
And over.
We try
Not to struggle.
But when we’re in the thick of it
From chest
From one wave
To the next
From arduous
It’s hard to see
A way out
A way
To stop struggling.
Written by Liza Belle

Putting the picture together – A Poem

There’s no method
To the madness
When you’re flung
Into this thing
Called life.
I try in vain
To piece the puzzle
The picture
Of me
But I simply
Don’t know
Where to start.
Written by Liza Belle

Abuse – A poem

We compensate so damn hard for people doing awful things
Being awful
Because we can see their pain
We can see the suffering
That warped them
Twisted them
De-humanised them
So we stay.
We watch.
We tolerate
And accept.
But we shouldn’t.
We shouldn’t tolerate abuse.
It’s fucked up.

Written by Liza Belle

The Gift Of Fear – A Poem

The gift of Fear
Is protection
What lies beneath Fear
Masked below Fear
Is deep, powerful Wisdom.
That is what comes
When we meet Fear
Without Fear.
Written by Liza Belle

The Beauty Of Consent – A Poem

and with consent
she bloomed

instead of forcing
she felt inside

she asked permission of herself
she became intimate with her deepest needs

with consent
she softened

instead of pushing
she offered

she sat,

awaiting a response


and she listened
and respected

with consent she relaxed
and let go

and instead of feeling violated
by herself

she was wrapped
in the warm glow of safety
she was cocooned in love
and light

nestled amongst the petals

held in safety
held in love

a portrait of the delicacy
of consent

she dozed
in the afternoon sun

in the knowledge that she was safe
would always be safe
with herself

she had permission to be
permission to respect her limits
permission to fulfil her needs

she had permission to rest
she had consent

at last


by Eliza

Instagram @transmuting.through.words