
Parenting as an Adult Industry Professional: Navigating Stigma and Strengthening Bonds

Parenting is a complex and challenging role that requires love, patience, and resilience.

For sex workers who are parents, these challenges are often compounded by societal stigma, legal issues, and the need for discretion. However, many adult industry professionals manage to navigate these obstacles with grace, ensuring their children grow up in nurturing and supportive environments. This blog explores the unique experiences of parents, who are also adult industry professionals, highlighting the realities they face and the strategies they employ to balance their profession with their caregiving responsibilities.

Understanding the Challenges

Sex workers who are parents often face a unique set of challenges, including:

Stigma and Judgment: Society often views sex work through a lens of moral judgment and prejudice, leading to widespread discrimination. This stigma can affect every aspect of a sex worker’s life, from social interactions to employment opportunities in other fields. The judgment often extends to their children, who may face bullying or exclusion due to their parent’s profession.

Secrecy and Safety: Maintaining confidentiality about their profession is crucial for many, to protect themselves and their families from harm or social ostracism. This secrecy can create a barrier between parents and their children, making it challenging to foster open and honest relationships.

Legal Concerns: In many places across the world, sex work is criminalized, creating significant legal risks. These legal ramifications can significantly disrupt family stability. Navigating a legal system that repeatedly discriminates against sex workers can be daunting and requires careful planning and awareness.

Emotional Labor: Balancing the emotional demands of work within the adult industry and the emotional needs of parenting can be exhausting. The dual roles require a significant amount of emotional labor and compartmentalization, which can take a toll on the mental health of parents.


Strategies for Navigating Parenthood

Despite the challenges, many adult industry professionals find ways to thrive as parents. Here are some strategies they employ:

Building a Support Network: Creating a reliable support system is crucial. This network can include friends, family, and other industry professionals who understand the unique challenges they face. Support groups specifically for sex worker parents can offer a safe space to share experiences and advice, reducing feelings of isolation and providing practical help.

Education and Advocacy: Educating themselves and their children about sex work can demystify the profession and reduce internalized stigma. This involves age-appropriate discussions with their children to foster understanding and acceptance. Advocacy for sex worker rights can also create broader societal change, making it safer and more acceptable for adult industry professionals to be open about their careers.

Open Communication: Maintaining open, age-appropriate honesty with children about their profession can foster trust and reduce feelings of secrecy. Many adult industry professionals choose to explain their job in terms children can understand, emphasizing safety, consent, and the importance of respecting others’ choices. This transparency can help children feel more secure and less confused about their parents’ work.

Legal Precautions: Understanding the legal landscape and taking proactive steps to protect their rights as parents is essential. This might involve consulting with legal professionals who specialize in sex worker rights and family law. Having a clear legal strategy can help mitigate risks related to custody and other legal challenges.

Self-Care: Prioritizing self-care is crucial for managing the stress of dual roles. This can include therapy, mindfulness practices, and setting boundaries to ensure they have time to recharge. Self-care enables parents to maintain their emotional well-being, which is essential for providing stable and loving care to their children.


Strengthening the Parent-Child Bond

Despite the challenges, the bond between parents and their children can be incredibly strong. Many sex workers bring unique strengths to their parenting:

Resilience and Adaptability: The resilience required to navigate the challenges of sex work can translate into parenting. Parents often model adaptability and perseverance for their children, demonstrating how to overcome adversity and remain steadfast in the face of challenges.

Empathy and Understanding: The experience of facing stigma can make parents more empathetic and understanding. They often instill these values in their children, fostering a compassionate and accepting family environment. This empathy extends to teaching children to be non-judgmental and supportive of others.

Advocacy Skills: Many sex worker parents are skilled advocates, both for themselves and for broader social change. These advocacy skills can empower their children to stand up for themselves and others, teaching them the importance of fighting for their rights and the rights of others.


Parenting as an adult industry professional involves navigating a complex web of challenges, but it also offers unique opportunities for personal growth and family bonding. By building supportive networks, advocating for their rights, and fostering open communication with their children, sex worker parents create loving and stable homes.

It’s essential to recognize and respect the resilience and dedication these parents bring to their roles, challenging societal stigma and working towards a more inclusive and understanding world. Through their strength and advocacy, parents not only provide for their families but also contribute to the broader fight for acceptance and equality.


If you want like-minded people to talk to, why not join one of our Support Groups. You can sign up here.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Why Talking About Yourself is as Good as Sex

Ever wondered why we enjoy talking about ourselves so much?

Turns out, it’s wired into our brains! The statement “talking about yourself is as good as sex” may be perceived as an exaggeration or a metaphorical expression rather than a literal comparison, but studies from Harvard University show that talking about ourselves activates the same pleasure centers in our brains as eating delicious food or having sex. Yep, sharing our stories literally gives us a natural high!

But there’s more to it than just feeling good. Psychologists say that sharing our personal experiences helps us understand our own lives better and strengthens our connections with others. According to Dr. James W. Pennebaker, an expert in expressive writing, putting our feelings into words can boost self-awareness, lower stress, and improve relationships.

So, what happens when we clam up and keep our stories to ourselves?

Well, it’s not great for our mental health. Research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that holding back our emotions can lead to more stress and lower well-being. In other words, bottling up our feelings isn’t doing us any favors.

But when we open up and share our stories with others, something magical happens:

1. **Validation and Connection:** When you share personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings with others, it can lead to a sense of validation and connection. Being heard and understood by someone else can be deeply fulfilling, fostering a sense of intimacy and camaraderie.

2. **Self-Expression:** Talking about yourself allows you to express your identity, values, and beliefs. It provides an opportunity for self-reflection and self-discovery, enabling you to better understand who you are and what matters to you.

3. **Empowerment:** Sharing your experiences and perspectives can be empowering, as it allows you to assert your voice and assert your agency in shaping conversations and relationships. It can build confidence and self-esteem, enhancing your sense of autonomy and control.

4. **Catharsis:** Discussing personal matters can serve as a form of emotional release and catharsis. Opening up about challenges, triumphs, and emotions can help you process and cope with difficult experiences, leading to a sense of relief and emotional well-being.

5. **Social Bonding:** Conversations about oneself often occur within the context of social interactions and relationships. Sharing personal stories and anecdotes can strengthen bonds with others, fostering a sense of belonging and support within social networks.


Studies have shown that having meaningful conversations about ourselves can make us happier and more satisfied. It’s like giving ourselves a little emotional boost every time we share a piece of our lives with someone else.

Sharing stories isn’t just about talking; it’s also about listening.

When we really tune in and show interest in other people’s experiences, we build trust and understanding. It’s like a beautiful dance of conversation that brings us closer together and makes our relationships stronger.

While the comparison between talking about oneself and sex might not be exactly like sex, it underscores the importance of meaningful communication and self-expression in human relationships and personal well-being. Both activities involve a deep sense of connection, intimacy, and satisfaction, albeit in different ways. Ultimately, engaging in authentic and meaningful conversations can contribute to a richer and more fulfilling life.

So, the next time you’re itching to share a story or two, go for it! Whether it’s over a beverage with a friend or a cozy chat by the fire, remember that sharing our stories is a special part of being human. Here’s to the joy of storytelling and the connections it brings into our lives. Cheers to you, dear readers, and may your stories always be heard and cherished!


If you want like-minded people to talk to, why not join one of our Support Groups. You can sign up here.

March 20th – International Day of Happiness!

Boundaries, Balance & Self Care as a Sex Worker

Boundaries, balance, and self-care are interconnected pillars that support mental, emotional, and physical well-being, ultimately contributing to a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment in life.

Establishing and maintaining boundaries can prevent burnout, reduce stress, and enhance self-esteem, leading to better mental health; achieving balance in various life domains allows us to pursue our passions, nurture relationships, and attend to our needs effectively; and practicing self-care reinforces feelings of self-worth and self-compassion. When we prioritize our well-being, we send a message to ourselves that we are deserving of care and attention, which can boost self-esteem and contribute to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

Here’s Emma from Imperfectly you to explain how boundaries, balance and self care as an adult industry professional can lead to a greater sense of happiness!


Your Affirmation :

‘I set boundaries with myself and those around me, this is an act of self care’

At Imperfectly You, we know that as self employed sex workers our schedules don’t adhere to the conventional 9 – 5 grind. It’s a reality that demands a flexible approach including setting boundaries that cater to our individual needs.

Your workday might involve meeting clients, creating content, or performing in front of a camera—possibly all three! Each day in this profession is unique, and no two days for an Adult Performer are alike.

Aside from our work, we also have other interests. To the shock of some clients, we have roles, responsibilities and endeavours that don’t involve being sexy 24/7. We are multifaceted human beings after all 🙂

With that being said, balancing it all can become a bit of a juggling act and sometimes our working hours start to encroach upon our personal time. Our days may roll into one with your ‘switch off’ button nowhere to be found. This overlap can result in a decrease of productivity & enjoyment within both our work and personal life. For some this results in a lack of motivation and can be the dreaded path to burnout.

If you’re aiming to reshape your workdays to prioritise personal time and want to feel energised doing the work that you do then this exercise is for you…

Adult Work:

  • Break down your adult work into activities – client sessions / content creation / camming / editing clips / marketing, etc.
  • How many hours would you like to spend on each activity per day / week without this taking a toll on your well-being?
  • How much energy do these activities require?

Personal Time:

  • What activities are included in your personal time? -socializing / time with family / cooking / chilling / working out etc.
  • Prioritise – what activities are your non-negotiables? – reading your morning paper with a coffee (be as specific as you like)
  • What activities give you energy?
  • What activities relax you?
  • What are you not doing that you would like to do?

Examine your current schedule

Track your week to establish how you’re spending your time. Identify likes and dislikes in your daily routine. Take note of your energy and enthusiasm with each activity throughout the day. Are you a morning person or do you get a lease of life later in the afternoon?


What is your ideal day?

Given your current situation, what would a ‘balanced’ day look like for you? Feel free to close your eyes and really imagine what this would be like from the moment you wake up. How are you feeling within your body & mind?

You should now have an idea of things you’d perhaps like to change or improve to create more harmony throughout your day. Before you start to devise a new plan, here are some things to consider


A routine  

As highlighted earlier, our work doesn’t follow the typical 9-to-5 structure, yet establishing some sort of routine where we can does have its advantages. While we may say yes to last-minute requests if the money is particularly good, is it possible to designate specific hours each day for uninterrupted activities? For instance, if you’d like to commit to a 2-hour cam session daily, when can you realistically set aside this time? Finding these pockets of dedicated time amidst the fluidity of our days can be so beneficial.

Consider energy givers / takers

Think about the parts of your work or personal life that uplift you and those that drain your energy. Can you arrange an ‘energy-giving’ activity before a task that tends to deplete your energy? For eg, this may look like going to the gym before creating content or working with a client. Identify the times of day when your energy peaks, perhaps mornings are best for diving into marketing strategies, and afternoons suit more physical activities. Consider structuring your day to end with a relaxing activity, aiding in unwinding and transitioning into a state of ’switching off’ a few hours before bed.

Swallow the frog 

Tackle the toughest task first – whatever you tend to delay or avoid, prioritise it at the start of your day. Completing this task right away sets a tone of accomplishment, making the rest of your day feel smoother and more manageable. Starting with the most challenging task can uplift you from the get-go.


Set realistic goals

This advice is frequently repeated, yet implementing it is often more challenging than it sounds. When you’ve broken down your goal and still find yourself overwhelmed, consider setting micro-goals. Even if it means jotting down a simple 5-minute task like ‘take a shower,’ breaking it into smaller steps can make progress more achievable.

Focus on the next hour only

At times, our schedules and to-do lists can become overwhelming, hindering our progress. When you find yourself unable to move forward due to a barrage of thoughts, consider shifting your focus to the upcoming hour only. For eg – this next hour is for taking photos for content and set a new goal after each hour. These adjustments are here to empower you, not create more stress.


Put time limits on your tasks

Do you tend to persist until the task is done, even if it means working late into the night? Consider using a timer and adhering strictly to allocated time frames for specific activities. Self-discipline encompasses knowing when to pause just as much as it involves knowing when to work.

Protect your time

Give yourself the best chance of success by eliminating any distractions to the activity you want to achieve or enjoy. For eg, This might involve turning off your work phone when spending time with family or communicating to friends that you’ll be unavailable during specific dedicated hours. Guarding your time this way maximises your chances for quality rest & better productivity.


Going forwards

Now it’s time to consider what adjustments you might like to make to your upcoming week! You may have uncovered an activity that you really love to do that you haven’t been making time for. Well now is your chance.

Things to note: Avoid making too many major changes at once; try implementing one adjustment at a time and gauge its impact.

If a particular change to your schedule works well, consider incorporating additional changes gradually. Remember, achieving balance isn’t a one-time event—it’s an ongoing journey. As situations evolve, it’s valuable to periodically reassess when things feel a bit ‘off.’ Embrace this process of self-reflection to cultivate a more fulfilling and harmonious work-life balance.

If you’d like support managing your work flow and creating more time for you, you can book a free call with me here.

If you feel like you need mental health support, you can apply for subsidized therapy with Pineapple Support here.


Wishing you an energised and prosperous week!


Building a Support System in the Adult Industry

Emma is an International Life Coach, friend and ally to those working within the adult industries. You can contact her here –


In the world of adult entertainment, performers often face unique challenges and complexities that can make it difficult to find a strong support system. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance, dealing with stigma, and managing relationships can be particularly challenging. That’s why it’s crucial to explore the importance of having a network of supportive friends and allies who understand the challenges of this industry.

The Isolation Dilemma

The adult industry can be a solitary place. Many performers lead double lives, keeping their profession hidden from their friends and family due to the persistent stigma associated with the work. This isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and even depression. The need for a supportive network becomes all the more critical.

Understanding and Empathy

Having friends and allies who understand the unique challenges of the adult industry can provide a sense of relief and belonging. These individuals offer empathy, as they’ve likely faced similar issues. They understand the stigma, the struggles with work-life balance, and the difficulties of maintaining personal relationships. They can provide invaluable advice, share experiences, and be a source of genuine empathy and understanding.

Finding Supportive Friends

Building a support system starts with finding the right people who can be there for you. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Online Communities: Seek out online forums, social media groups, or private communities where individuals in the adult industry connect. At Imperfectly You we have a private and friendly community where sex workers can share experiences, gain advice and form valuable connections.
  2. Attend Industry Events: Many adult entertainment events, conferences, and trade shows offer opportunities to meet and connect with peers. These events can help you establish a sense of community and build lasting relationships with those who understand your world. We recently attended XBIZ Amsterdam and met so many wonderful people!
  3. Reach Out to Trusted Peers: Over time, you may come to know peers in the industry whom you trust. Opening up to them about your challenges can lead to deep, supportive friendships. Sharing your experiences can be liberating and strengthen your connection with others.
  4. Seek Professional Help: Sometimes, the support of friends may not be enough. Consider reaching out to therapists or counselors through Pineapple Support who specialize in working with people in the adult industry. They can offer a non-judgmental space for you to discuss your feelings and challenges.


Benefits of a Supportive Network

Reduced Stigma: When you have friends and allies who understand your work, it can help reduce the stigma you may face from others. Knowing that you have people who accept you for who you are can boost your self-esteem and self-worth.


Mental Health: A supportive network can be a lifeline for your mental health. It offers a safe space to express your feelings, seek advice, and gain emotional support during tough times. Within our network mental health is at the forefront of our ethos – how can we be great performers if we don’t feel great ourselves? You come first and work comes second.


Professional Growth: Your network can be a valuable resource for career growth. You can learn from others’ experiences and insights, helping you navigate the industry more successfully. Our daily group chat is filled with amazing tips and tricks to help you succeed in this industry.


Healthy Relationships: Friends who understand your profession are more likely to offer advice on managing personal relationships and maintaining a work-life balance. Their guidance can be priceless. Within our network we meet monthly over zoom forming real friendships between real people.


Mutual Support: Remember, your friends and allies need your support too. The give-and-take nature of these relationships can create a strong bond that benefits all involved.


In Conclusion

Building a support system in the adult industry is not just beneficial; it’s often essential for your well-being and professional success. The understanding and empathy offered by friends and allies who share your experiences can help you navigate the challenges unique to the industry, reduce the stigma you face, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life. Seek out these connections, both online and in-person, and remember that there are people who genuinely understand and care about you as a person, not just your profession.


Life Coach Emma x

Is your work/life balance out of whack?

Emma is an International Life Coach, friend and ally to those working within the adult industries. You can contact her here –


In a world that often blurs the lines between work and personal life, the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance is so important. This holds true across all professions, including sex work. The unique challenges and dynamics of this industry make achieving balance all the more vital. Let’s delve into why work-life balance is crucial for sex workers, and how it can be achieved.

1. Preserving Mental and Emotional Well-being:

Engaging in sex work can be emotionally demanding. The intimate nature of the interactions and the potential for encountering difficult or complex situations can take a toll on your mental health. Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life can help you prevent emotional burnout and fatigue. By allocating time and space to focus on personal well-being, you can recharge and process your emotions in a healthy way. Taking time for yourself matters!

2. Ensuring Physical Health:

Whether sex work involves physical interactions or not, the stressors of the profession can impact your physical health. Erratic schedules, long hours, sitting on a bed all day, contorted into strange positions and using toys regularly can have an effect on your body. Checking in with how you feel physically and noticing when it may be time to rest is crucial. A balanced routine that includes regular exercise/movement, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest is essential for maintaining your physical health.

3. Nurturing Relationships:

Building and nurturing personal relationships can be challenging when coping with the demands of sex work. A healthy work-life balance allows time to be spent with your friends, family, and partners too. It can be tempting to work those extra hours in the evening instead of seeing the ones you love but your close relationships can offer a support system and sense of belonging for you during challenging times.

4. Avoiding Isolation:

The nature of sex work often necessitates secrecy and perhaps working alone most days, which can lead to feelings of isolation. Isolation, in turn, can negatively impact your mental health. A balanced life encourages social interactions and connections outside of your professional space. Engaging in hobbies, social activities, and generally just doing the things you enjoy with others can counteract the isolating effects of leading a double life.

5. Enhancing Productivity and Focus:

When work and personal life become intertwined, it becomes challenging to dedicate focused time to either. Sometimes you may get the feeling of constantly ‘chasing your tail’, not able to wholeheartedly put yourself into work OR just relax. By setting clear boundaries and allocating specific times for work-related activities, you can enhance your productivity during work hours and fully engage in personal activities during your downtime without feeling guilty.

6. Sustaining Longevity:

Without proper work-life balance, the risk of burning out or experiencing emotional exhaustion increases significantly. By prioritising your well-being, you can create a more sustainable and fulfilling career in the long run.

7. Empowerment and Self-Worth:

Achieving work-life balance is an act of empowerment. It communicates to yourself that personal well-being and happiness hold inherent value. By practising self-care and setting boundaries, you can reinforce your self-worth and feel more in control.

In conclusion, work-life balance is a critical aspect for you! By prioritising self-care, setting boundaries, and nurturing personal relationships, you can navigate the unique challenges of your profession while maintaining your mental, emotional, and physical health.

How do you manage your work/life balance?


Life Coach Emma x