
Dr. Laura Lovato
Country: USA
State: Colorado, Kansas, Missouri
Dr. Laura Lovato is a clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of anxiety, trauma, relational concerns, and depression. and understands that the priority in any healing relationship is to find someone that understands, genuinely cares, and has the wisdom to help.
Therapy is a space to own your personal story and find sovereignty. It is a space to reflect on what you are experiencing and why, to reprocess these experiences with new wisdom and perspective, and practice new ways of thinking and responding that serve your deeper purpose and true worthiness. This process is not easy, but it is not nearly as risky as giving up on yourself or remaining stuck in habitual cycles.
Dr. Lovato works from a personalized approach, using a combination of cognitive-behavioral, somatic, emotion, and mindfulness-based techniques to help her clients connect with the messages of their bodies so that they may recognize and meet underlying needs. Through the exploration of current patterns and true desires, she helps her clients let go of insecurity and uncertainty and instead confidently pursue what makes them feel alive, aligned, and connected.
She believes in being a human first, therapist second. She strives to be transparent, genuine, and warm. She is an “active” therapist, meaning that she elicits and offers feedback, and suggests specific research-informed strategies for her clients to practice between session to help build new skills and understandings. “I genuinely love my job. My clients’ resilience and courage are inspiring, and I am honored by their trust in me to be part of their brave process.” Dr. Lovato welcomes the opportunity to speak with you further.
Diversity and Inclusion Statement:
The work of antiracism, decolonization, and social advocacy is a lifelong process that requires courage and humility. For me, it is listening to and validating the healing wisdom of non-Western practices and teachers. It means working collaboratively, supporting my clients in connecting with their own innate wisdom and intuition. It is also a journey of discovering and reclaiming my own personal ancestry and voice.
It is validating the trauma of existing within systems that delegitimize the lived experiences of non-dominant identities. It means actively deconstructing the ways privileged perspectives have shaped the dominant idea of wellness and illness, and depathologizing the effects that trauma has on human minds and bodies. It means building and sustaining a private practice that gives back to the community via pro-bono work and sliding scale fees.
I am committed to this process of constant learning and unlearning, of being willing to face my own trauma and shame, to learn from the courage and pain of others, and prioritize my impact over my intention. I have great faith in the power of experiences that bring us closer to ourselves, each other, and the world that holds us.
Languages Spoken: English