Araneae Mactans

Sommer Isabella
Hi, I’m Sommer Isabella, a Pornstar & Model.
It started with my own experiences. I have been a victim of online bullying, discrimination, and even targeted harassment not only before but within my ongoing adult career.
After hearing some stories of the men and women I’ve met, I’m beyond determined to make sure that no one in this industry ever feels alone, and that I am here to help to the best of my abilities! We are more than just a body. We are human. We are REAL. We are worth much more than feeling like we have no one who understands us, or cares. As a race we can’t leave people behind, and the Pineapple Group is a great way to give hope, encouragement, and most importantly, LOVE.
This is a journey that I’m so glad that I am on. I love how Pineapple has been able to get a lot of work done so far and help so many entertainers.
Come and say ‘Hi’ if you see me around, I love to talk to people and I’m always happy to listen.
Twitter: @SommersWorldxo